
Dr. George Bowers performs pet examsWe have appointments available every business day for pet exams including yearly physicals, sick pets, health certificates, wellness visits, and treatment consultations.

Our doctors perform pet pregnancy checks, health certificate pet exams, and hip certification x-rays. These services are all available by appointment. If your pet is not feeling well, or is just due for his/her yearly vaccinations and wellness exam, please call and schedule an appointment at 931-967-6345.

We also offer microchiping. Microchiping your pet provides a safe and permanent form of identification. Most veterinary clinics, animal shelters, and animal control officers have a microchip scanner to help them identify lost pets. If you have questions or would like to have your pet microchiped, please give us a call.

Hear Dr. George Bowers talk about pet illness

Hear Mandie Curty talk about Microchipping your pet
